Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Chuck E Cheese's
Friday, November 11, 2005
Lately I have become concerned about the people I represent. I no longer see the Pride in your eyes that I once seen when I traveleddown your streets in the Veterans Day parades and on the 4th of July. The people that once saluted me and those that held their hand over their heart as I passed now just look around to see whatothers are doing.
Could it be that they don't see me? This is what it must be, because I haven't changed. I am still the same flag that accompanied so many of our countrymen as they defended this great country.
As I wave in the breeze I am waving for each and ever one of them.I represent the people of this country and not the disappointmentyou may have with our Government. I have never had a vote in anything.I stand for the freedom that the people have given to this country.
You are the heroes, not the Government.
You are the ones that go to work each day and do what is necessaryto see that the children have clothes and shoes and plenty of food.
That is why I call you heroes. This is the spirit that I represent.
This is why I was created, as a constant reminder to the people ofAmerican that with pride in our country and a strong belief in God we can over come any obstacle that is put in our path. We are still the greatest country in the world. WE ARE AMERICA.
So the next time you pass by me just give me a wink or allow a
glimmer of pride or just a simple wave to let all the soldiers that
have died so you can live free and I can fly free will know that theirsacrifice was not in vain.
Your Flag
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Stop the ACLU
The link below is a commercial about Stop the ACLU and Court Zero.
Please sign this petition to stop the use of taxpayer funds to support the
ACLU by following the link below the text of the petition.
WHEREAS, the American Civil Liberties Union (the ACLU) has shown itself to
be hostile to religious expression by private citizens and the civil rights
of people of faith; and
WHEREAS, the ACLU has declared war on the Boy Scouts of America, the
military of the United States, Christmas displays, public buildings that
display the Ten Commandments, and many other American traditions; and
WHEREAS, the United States Congress, roughly thirty years ago, passed a
provision in United States Code section 1988 that requires taxpayers to pay
attorneys in civil rights cases; and
WHEREAS, the ACLU has abused that law to make untold millions of dollars
simply by suing boy scouts, school children, military academies, cities and
towns, with the goal of punishing any who dare to exercise their First
Amendment right to religious freedom and expression; and
WHEREAS, the vast majority of taxpayers do not want to be forced to pay the
ACLU to sue their neighbors and friends in the ACLU's efforts to strip
America of all signs of faith; and
WHEREAS, the Establisment Clause of the First Amendment was not contemplated
when USC section 1988 was passed;
THEREFORE, the People of the United States call upon their Congress to amend
USC section 1988 so that hostile special interest groups such as the ACLU
can no longer be granted taxpayer money to attack Americans and their
We, The People, call upon our elected representatives to amend USC section
1988 so that fees are not awarded to the ACLU or any other plaintiff in
Establisment Clause cases. We wish for the Free Expression Clause to
implicate at least the same financial incentives as attacks upon faith
currently have.
I would like you to visit the following online campaign, by iPetitions:
And urge your Congressmen and U.S. Senators to pass HR 2679.