It happened in the vestibule
At ten one Sunday morn
A haggard-looking churchgoer
Sat plaintive and forlorn
Then suddenly he rose and found
A hungry-looking Christian
He took his hand, took him aside
And asked him a straight question
You know the Word,
You know the Book,
The promises are clear
But have you seen the Living God
Have you found Him here?
Have you experienced Holy Fire?
The Spirit in His Power?
A mighty wave, a rushing wind,
A flame that does devour?
Is there something more you’re seeking,
So high, so wide, so deep?
Do you find yourself frustrated?
Is church putting you to sleep?
Then listen well,
Your heart is right.
My tale I will tell
This story is your story too
And it’s your tale as well.
For 30 years I’ve been in church
Seemed like a good show.
But now I have to meet with God
Do you know where to go?
I’m trapped in mundane worship times
The praises have grown cold
The preaching’s dry and dusty
The teaching stale like mold.
Each service feels like a rerun
The songs all sound the same
The prophesies are so hollow
Not worthy of the name
Words more words they’re everywhere
But oh there is a stink
Words more words they’re everywhere
But none to make us think
We lack the Heavenly Presence
It’s clear we’re in a rut
I’m desperate for revival,
It burns within my gut.
I’m lovesick for my Jesus
So hungry for my Lord
Just longing for my Savior
God knows that I’m so bored.
Is there someone who can help me?
Whose touched the real thing?
A man whose heard from Heaven?
Who’s heard from God to bring?
Are there prophets burning with fires?
Servants who are ablaze?
Anointed and overflowing
Appointed for these days.
Do they carry the Spirit’s burden?
Breathe the Lord God’s breath
Are they set apart and holy?
Obedient to death
I hear the words of the Master
Come follow me, He said.
If some Christians go their own way
I’ll go with Him instead
Oh please don’t do as I have done
And waste so many years
Don’t wait and wait for endless months
Move on, outgrow your fears
Forget the twelve step programs
A seminar won’t do
You need a touch from Heaven
To fill you through and through
There must be change in your life
A work of God that’s real
Don’t fool yourself with warm clichés
Don’t let the devil steal
Don’t miss out on God’s presence
Or let these hours pass
Don’t stop your soul from hungering
Get out of the morass
Dear friend, you are not crazy,
Dear saint, you are not mad
There really is a problem
It’s true you have been had.
There’s more, there’s more
Believe it
There is that place in God
There are holy visitations
New paths that must be trod.
Will you get up like old pilgrim?
And seek that better way
Will you go forth on that journey?
No matter what men say?
Will you go now out now?
And meet him and leave the crowd behind
Forsaking dead traditions if Jesus you will find?
It’s not in another meeting
A nicely packaged hour
Another harmless service
Devoid of Heaven’s power
It’s not in another teaching
Three points to fill your head
The Word is always vibrant
But this stuff is so dead
We need God to send His Spirit
To fully take control.
To transform every member
To come and make them whole.
Enough with man’s religion
Enough with earthly plans
Enough with our new programs
Produced by earthly hands.
Just then in strode the Pastor
His calling to fulfill
Just doing his weekly duty
Then he became frozen still
For astir was that parishioner
He grasped the preacher’s clothes
And grasped the preacher’s soul as well
And in that grasp he froze
Oh, Pastor, enter the prayer room
And shut yourself inside
Be emptied of competition
And crucify your pride
Pray for Holy Visitation
Just caught up alone with Him
Consumed with Heavenly Vision
That’s where you must begin
You won’t find him in a textbook
Buried on page 22
He is the Living God who acts
He wants to move in you.
It’s not only the Apostles
He’ll bless and send and use
He’ll saturate your own soul
If you will not refuse
So arise get up pursue Him
Jesus your true best Friend
He is worthy of devotion
He is faithful to the end.
Why should you starve on crusty bread?
And crawl along the ground
Your Savior is your Source of Life
Seek Him, let joy abound.
Renew your life, refresh your heart
Press in, take hold, pray through
Put first things first make God your goal
What else have you to do?
Your Bible schooling stole your zeal
Church life has drained you dry
You used to have such child-like faith
Now budgets have your eye.
You used to be so passionate,
So innocent and free
Now you’ve become professional
You’ll preach for a good fee.
Oh, set your sight on higher goals,
And not on dollar bills
Live in the light of judgment day
Ambition always kills.
Let Jesus be your daily guide
Put Him where He belongs
And soon His Presence will arrive
His Praise will fill your songs.
Simplicity will be your style
Devotion your new goal
Communion will become your aim
God’s Life will flood your soul.
Oh, take your eyes off numbers,
Church growth can be a trap
Go out and make disciples
Go out and bridge the gap.
Pour your life out for broken lives
Let God your heart break too.
Take up your cross deny yourself
Just live His will to do.
Wake up, be brave, be honest
Oh today oh hear His voice.
Be ruthless with your schedule,
Seek God make that your choice
You won’t find Him in your planner
No committee has the key
You’ll find Him when your soul cries out
There must be more for me.
There must be more than building funds
And sessions past
And endless talks with leadership
Disputing who is right.
Somehow I know I’ve been misled
The model doesn’t work
I’m not called as an executive
Nor should I be a clerk
I’m called to be a man of God
A man whose Spirit-led
Healer of the sick and lame
Someday to raise the dead.
And with that cry
New life will rise
Your heart will be revived
Heaven’s light will flood your soul
You will not be denied
The parishioner then turned his gaze
Away from flesh and blood
He looked to Him who sends the showers
To Him who sends the flood.
Today oh Lord do hear our voice
And pour Your Spirit out
Saturate the thirsty ground
End the Spiritual drought.
Revive us with Your Presence
Renew us from Above
Touch the flock called by Your Name
Come fill us with Your Love.
Do greater works in our day
Than that which you have done
Bring the fullness of your Rains
And Glorify Your Son
That old churchgoer spoke no more
Another voice was heard
Yet not the voice of flesh and blood
It was Our Father’s Word
And if you listen closely
Beyond this little rhyme
You’ll hear the Father say
My children it is time.