Fully, completely and perfectly
(Thomas Brooks, "Paradise Opened" 1675)
"I will be their God, and they will be My people.
For I will forgive their wickedness and will
remember their sins no more." Heb. 8:10, 12
God will pardon the sins of His people fully,
completely and perfectly. Neither the . . .
many kinds of sins,
nor many degrees of sin,
nor many aggravations of sin,
nor even the multitude of sins,
can ever harm those souls who are in covenant
with God. God has mercy enough, and pardons
enough, for all His covenant-people's sins--
whether original or actual,
whether against the law or against the gospel,
whether against the light of nature or the rule of grace,
whether against mercies or judgments.
The covenant remedy against all kinds and degrees
of sin--infinitely transcends and surpasses . . .
all our infirmities and enormities,
all our weaknesses and wickednesses,
all our follies and unworthinesses, etc.
What is . . .
our unrighteousness--compared to Christ's righteousness;
our debts--compared to Christ's pardons;
our unholiness--compared to Christ's holiness;
our emptiness--compared to Christ's fullness;
our weakness--compared to Christ's strength;
our poverty--compared to Christ's riches;
our wounds--compared to Christ's healing balm?
"The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to
anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining
love to thousands; and forgiving wickedness, rebellion
and sin." Exodus 34:6-7.
A merciful God, a gracious God--will pardon all kinds
of sinners, and all kinds and degrees of sin.
Oh, what astounding mercy, what rich grace is here!
that God will not only pardon our light, our small
offences; but our great and mighty sins! God will
never upbraid His people for . . .
their follies,
their miscarriages,
their unkindness,
their unfruitfulness,
their unthankfulness,
their vileness,
their stubbornness,
their wickedness.
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