Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Debating with Atheists

So I had a few words with some atheists concerning my beliefs as a Christian.  Boy can that be exhausting.  I am however grateful for the opportunity. It helps me to think about why I believe what I believe.  I’ve found that when I base all my beliefs on the Bible, I cannot go wrong.  Since the Bible is the Authority of my life, it is good to spend time in it and know for sure what it says.  Do I just assume it says something because someone tells me so? Or do I go and look it up myself?  That is my goal.  Spend time in God’s Word and let the Holy Spirit be my guide. And be transformed into the Image of Christ.


Thank you Father, for Your Word, and the Holy Spirit to guide me into all Truth.  May Your Will be done in my life, and Your Name be Glorified through it.  In Jesus Name, Amen.



1 comment:

  1. who is this woman who keeps arguing with people? must be melissa.

    keep up the good work. personally, i've known a few athiests in my time. funny thing is, i've never seen them remain athiests while on thier death beds. go figure.

